Forgotten Sea History
Barony Times
[1979 - present]

Current Arms Ancient Arms
Per chevron throughout argent and vert,   Argent, a tree proper issuant from a 
two laurel wreaths and a tree issuant from   ................. trident head inverted sable between 
a trident head inverted counterchanged. in chief two laurel wreaths vert.

Click here for information on the
Heraldry of the Barony of Forgotten Sea

Click here for information on the
Heraldry of the Populace of Forgotten Sea

Following are the names of the
Barons and Baronesses of Forgotten Sea
along with a list of officers under each Baronage,
and the Champions of the Barony.

Click on the links below to jump to that tenure.

1st Baronage    2nd Baronage    Vicar 1 3rd Baronage
4th Baronage   5th Baronage   6th Baronage Vicar 2
7th Baronage   8th Baronage    Vicar 3 9th Baronage
10th Baronage       11th Baronage       12th Baronage       13th Baronage 
14th Baronage


Several items of note occurred in the period where the group was transitioning into a Barony. Trying to pin the exact date down for some of them has been a bit difficult.

Dorian Moonraven (Robert Bailey) forms Forgotten Sea's first Archery Guild.

Diana Moonraven (Diana Bailey) forms Forgotten Sea's first Cooking Guild.

Lochiel of Hearthdon-Under-the-Hill (Lochie Dye) has a household that works with House Dragonstar to form Forgotten Sea's first Horseback Riding Guild.

Bev Morgan, owner of the Hidden Valley Stables in Grandview, MO recruits the Horse Riding Guild to ride in the American Royal.

The Horse Riding Guild does riding at the very first Renaissance Festival in Bonner Springs.

Gwydion Cinhil Kirontin (Mike Nichols) forms Forgotten Sea's first Vintner's Guild.

1st Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Geoffri of Wareine & Marianne of Wareine
[Both stepped up - Feb 10, 1979]
[Both stepped down - April 7, 1979]

Marianne's name was formerly Endora of Wareine.



1st Seneschal - Kasmar of Eagle's Rest


1st Herald - Reyn Launcegay


1st Exchequer - Trobere Oakseed

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoA - Arianna Allessandra

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal - Ternon de Caerleon


1st Chronicler - Arixa of the Fountains


1st Chatelaine - Hertha Blair of Froggestow

2nd Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Morgan Griffith of York & Elwyn of Fountaingrove
[Morgan stepped up - April 7, 1979]
[Elwyn stepped up - May 30, 1982]
[Morgan stepped down in 1983]

Morgan's name was originally Richard of Baton, then Imrael Goldenleaf, and finally Morgan Griffith of York
Elwyn's name was originally Elwyn Fireil Galaberath.



1st Seneschal - Kasmar of Eagle's Rest
2nd Seneschal - Thomas of Greensward


1st Herald - Reyn Launcegay
2nd Herald - Wolfgang Zungewohle von Volkersheim
3rd Herald - Raven Thaline O'Daye (later changed to Hrafnhildr o Landyssul)


1st Exchequer - Trobere Oakseed
2nd Exchequer -
Bevin of Cashel
3rd Exchequer -
Nimue of Sterling Boon

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoA - Arianna Allessandra
2nd MoA - Guinivere of East Loch

1st MoS - Davro Son of Davril
2nd MoS - Liriel Correll of Tuatha Keep
3rd MoS - Badger Brodie of Blue Loch

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal - Ternon de Caerleon
2nd Knight's Marshal - James of Goetz-Downe
3rd Knight's Marshal - Dobbin Viidor of the Errant Forest


1st Chronicler - Arixa of the Fountains
2nd Chronicler -
Dagmar von Selck of Kobenhaven
3rd Chronicler -
Arixa of the Fountains


1st Chatelaine - Hertha Blair of Froggestow
2nd Chatelaine - Kristl Elsabet von Gutberg


Dual Counselors-at-Large -   Byron of Beaumaris
    Alcynon Feedrea of Guldawyn Abbey
(later changed to Alcynon Luminore of Glydawen)


August 1979 - The heraldic device for Forgotten Sea was registered (via the Middle):
Argent, issuant from a trident head inverted sable a tree, and in chief two laurel wreaths, all proper.

August 1979 -The first person in Forgotten Sea to register a device was Gwydion Cinhil Kirontin: Gyronny vert and argent, a griffin segreant within a bordure counterchanged.

November 1979 - The Clarion newsletter notes that two guilds are doing very well: the Armourer's guild and the HorseMaster's Guild. Most guild meetings were held at Steelholm (the abode of Master James and Master John) which may have been the best armory in the Known World at the time. Kings from many other Kingdoms came to Forgotten Sea to buy armour.

March 1980 - Forgotten Sea hosted the 1st Calon-Con.

April 25, 1981 - Calon Tourney VI held by Forgotten Sea. The tourney winner was Cristofre Cynwyd. Second place went to Ld Cire Greymoor. The fighting for the event was held at the squash courts in the park west of the Nelson Art Museum.

September 11, 1981 - Baronial Court of Lord Morghen Griffith of York, Baron Forgotten Sea
Court Report:

    Baronial Colors
        Felicia of West Wixton
        Tvl of Blue Holme
        Flavin MacDonnachadh
        Hertha Blair
        Jayce Ravenhair
        Daeges Edina McKnaughten

    Order of the Escallop
        Lady Cerelia of Greensward
        Lady Alcynon Feedrea
        Lord James of Goetz-Downe

    Order of the Trident Tree
        Lady Arrianna Allessandra of Dovehaven

    Baronial Ambassadors to Barony of Loch Salann
        Lord Chirhart Blackstar
        Jeanne Tenneur de Bec

    A new rank was instituted between the Baronial Colors and the Escallop: the "Mark of Merit"
        Lord Corydon Arendir
        Lord Araxes of Greensward

Lord Chirhart Blackstar resigned as Captain of the Guard and Lord Davro, son of Davril, son of Davin was named to the post..     

September 26, 1981 -  Coronet Tourney I - held in Barony of Forgotten Sea
Court Reports:

Royal Court of TRMs Hugo & Caitlin & Last Court of the Last Warlord of Calontir - Ld. Humpk d'Bohunk

    Brassard d'Honor
        Lady Alix Coeurbois (for vocal music)
        Lady Maelan Azalais d'Beaucaire (for chronicling)
        Lady Leithen Ddawnus (for constabling)
        Lady Alcynon Feedrea (for many diverse services)
        Richard of the Southern Woods (for cooking)

    Order of the Leather Mallet
        Lord Crag Duggin (for various sciences, especially medieval medicine)
        Lord Brom Blackhand (for armouring & metalwork)
        Lord William of Schlagen-Donner (for mail-making)
        Richard of Ravenscroft (for armouring woodworking) 
        Lord Chepe L'Oragere (for blacksmithing)
        Lord Tymn the Mysterious (for metalworking)

    Order of the Swan
        Lady Alarba Bronwen (for weaving)
        Lady Morghen of York (for drama & poetry)
        Lady Luciana della Ridolphi (for costuming)
        Earos Satyr (for mime)
        Lord Wylfrdd Taliesin the Piper (for performing arts)
        Lord Aelfric Frithariksson (or performing arts)

    Order of the Torse
        Lady Joyesse de Wolfe (for fewmets & Northern Shires Arts Consortium)

    Order of the Cross of Calontir
        Baron Lord Stephen Ironhand
        Lady Elwyn Firiel Galabereth
        Baron Lord Ternon de Caer Liant

    Hirð of Calontir (Huscarl)
        Lord Cristofre Cynwyd
        Lord Cire Greymoor - El Akrab

    Investiture of the First Prince & Princess of Calontir
        Baron Lord Ternon de Caer Liant
        Lady Ghleanna Meghan of Kirkcaldy

    Awards of Arms
        Nathan Adelaar
        Ayrbaird MacTavish
        Peregrin de Lorinel
        Asgeirr Gunnarsson
        Sara del Sol Brilliante
        Valbairn Graycroft of Deeside
        Jeanne Tenneur de Bec
        Mercedes de la Rochelle
        Kendal of Kirkwall
        Robert Stewart of Grandloch
        Bryon Duncan Durrow
        Branwen y Llynnoed
        Wolfgang Zungewohle
        Glamorgan Morfydd of Cardiganshire

    Order of the Purple Fret
        Lady Joyesse de Wolfe of Cath Mawr

    Order of the Silver Oak
        Lord Gerhardt von Rotbart
        Lord Tymn the Mysterious

    Order of the Willow
        Lady Merewyn Sigurdsdottir
        Lady Alix Coeurbois
        Lady Luciana della Ridolphi

    Knight of the SCA
        Lord Cristofre Cynwyd


First Court of Their Serene Highnesses of Calontir, Prince Ternon & Princess Ghleanna

    Baron Lord Geoffri of Wareine & Baroness Lady Marianne of Wareine (Territorial Baronage of Forgotten Sea)
    swear fealty unto the Coronet of Calontir

    Master Robert presented cloak of office of Principality MoAS to Lady Luciana della Ridolphi to signify office transfer.

    Great Officers of Calontir swear fealty unto the Coronet.

    TRMs of Ansteorra Finn & Cyf granted honorary citizenship in Calontir.

    Champion of Calontir (continuing)
        Sir Cristofre Cynwyd

    Bretwalda of Calontir
        Baron Lord Humpk d'Bohunk 

    Order of the Leather Mallet
        Lord Chirhart Blackstar

    Order of the Sword of Calontir (Principal)
        Lord William of Bellwood

    Order of the Torse
        HRM Caitlin Stuart


March 20, 1982 - The Forgotten Sea Scribe's Guild received a Torse (for service to the Kingdom).

In the May 1983 (AS XVIII) issue of The Courier's Clarion, Morgan announces that he is stepping down immediately as Baron and asks populace to support the Vicar, Davro.

In the June 1983 (AS XVIII) issue of The Courier's Clarion, it is announced that Morgan postponed stepping down until that month's Sprites event, when Davro can become Baron.

Vicar 1
Thomas of Greensward 

Selected to serve as Vicar with Baroness Elwyn until a new Baron could be selected
to replace Morgan Griffith of York. Davro son of Davril was later chosen to became 
the new Baron.

3rd Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Davro son of Davril & Elwyn of Fountaingrove
[Davro stepped up - June 25, 1983 (AS XVIII) at Sprites event]
[Elwyn continued]
[Both stepped down - May, 21 1988 (AS XXIII)]

June 1983 to May 1984


May 1984 [AS XIX] to Mar 1986 [AS XX]
Information from the Baronial Newsletter - The Courier's Clarion
<numbers refer to this time period only>



1st Seneschal - Kasmar of Eagle's Rest (2nd time as seneschal)
2nd Seneschal - Loran of Rockhurst
3rd Seneschal - Valens of Flatrock
4th Seneschal - John the Lost

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st Herald - Raven Thaline O'Daye (Hrafnhildr o Landyssul) [1st Fountain Pursuivant]
2nd Herald - Wolfgang Zungewohle von Volkersheim
3rd Herald - Andreas of Green Village
4th Herald - Eliane de Cavaillon (Elisabeth)
5th Herald - Andrew Lyon of Wolvenwood


1st Exchequer - Nimue of Sterling Boon
2nd Exchequer - Stephan Fellstar (later changed to Brendan O' Bern)
3rd Exchequer - Regan de Wulf

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoA - Guinivere of East Loch
2nd MoA - Beryl de Bourgayne
3rd MoA - Chidiock the Younger
4th MoA - Jenna of Southwind

1st MoS - Badger Brodie of Blue Loch
2nd MoS - Hertha Blair of Froggestow
3rd MoS - William of Carrington

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal - Dobbin Viidor of the Errant Forest
2nd Knight's Marshal - Halidar Arkellas

Archer Marshal

1st Bowmaster (Archer Marshal) - Peadrus Ocie [First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]
2nd Archer Marshal - Chidiock the Younger
3rd Archer Marshal - Reinhardt of Kossovo


1st Chronicler - Arixa of the Fountains
2nd Chronicler - Kristl Elsabet von Gutberg
3rd Chronicler - Marie du Bois
4th Chronicler - Aidan Cocrinn


1st Chatelaine - Kristl Elsabet von Gutberg
2nd Chatelaine - Gwynne Maitcroi of FitzWarin Keep
3rd Chatelaine - Leah Charboneau
4th Chatelain - Valens of Flatrock
5th Chatelaine - Aidan Cocrinn

Gold Key

1st Property Clerk (Quartermaster/Gold Key) - Sarra of Rockcliff Manor
[First time the office was established in Forgotten Sea]

2nd Gold Key - Tryphena
3rd Gold Key - Ealhwynna Brigid MacDonald

Minister of Children

1st MoC - Sabine von Altheim [First time the office was established in Forgotten Sea]


1st Counselor-at-Large - Gwynne Maitcroi of FitzWarin Keep
2nd Counselor-at-Large - Tobias der Krieger (former named Rikar of the Fading Mountain)
3rd Counselor-at-Large - Valens of Flatrock
4th Counselor-at-Large - Roderick Fitzdrake
5th Counselor-at-Large - Tobias der Krieger


1st Chirurgeon - Eilinel Finduriel of Caranbar [First time the office was established in Forgotten Sea]
2nd Chirurgeon - Gekka-No-Monkai-No Jasmine (Jasmine)
3rd Chirurgeon - Satara
4th Chirurgeon - Antonio Bouchard
5th Chirurgeon - Aileen Brigit O'Kelly


1st Librarian - Antonio Bouchard [First time the office was established in Forgotten Sea]


1st Historian - Kasmar of Eagle's Rest [First time the office was established in Forgotten Sea]
2nd Historian - Elwyn of Fountaingrove
3rd Historian - Seamus of Gallhaven



Feb 18, 1984, the Coronation of the 1st King and Queen of Calontir, Chepe l'Oragere and Arwyn Antarae occurred in the Shire of Mag Mor.

Forgotten Sea's 1st annual Baronial Fighter Champion/Warlord Tourney ever, was held.

Forgotten Sea's 1st annual Baronial Arts & Sciences Championship (as opposed to Baronial Tri-Levels) ever, was held on August 22, 1987 (AS XXII).



Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)
1st Champion - Valens of Flatrock
2nd Champion - Eleanor d'Autun

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion
1st Champion - Modar the Unknown (later changed to Modar Neznanich)

4th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Valens of Flatrock & Susannah Griffin
[Both stepped up - May 21, 1988 (AS XXIII)]
[Both stepped down - December 16, 1989 (AS XXIV)]



1st Seneschal - John the Lost
2nd Seneschal - Aidan Cocrinn

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st Herald - Jadwiga Marina Majewska


1st Exchequer - Regan de Wulf
2nd Exchequer - Rachel of Colchester

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoA - Jenna of Southwind
2nd MoA - Sabine von Altheim

1st MoS - William of Carrington
2nd MoS - Tobias der Krieger
3rd MoS - Ana la Siniestra

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal - Conn MacNeill
2nd Knight's Marshal - Eleanor d'Autun
3rd Knight's Marshal - Alric the Tall

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal - Reinhardt of Kossovo
2nd Archer Marshal - Bran ap Caw
3rd Archer Marshal - Ian Grame


1st Chronicler - Aidan Cocrinn
2nd Chronicler -Ternon de Caerleon
3rd Chronicler - Ariel of Glastonbury Tor


1st Chatelaine - Eleanor d'Autun
2nd Chatelaine - Margarethe Rohanna
3rd Chatelaine - Barbette of Castle Dragon

Gold Key

1st Gold Key - Cadfael


1st Counselor-at-Large - Tobias der Krieger


1st Chirurgeon - Aileen Brigit O'Kelly


1st Historian - Seamus of Gallhaven



Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion - [First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]
1st Champion - Modar the Unknown (later changed to Modar Neznanich)
2nd Champion - Jenna of Southwind [Nov 19, 1988]

5th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Christopher Amber & Liriel Correll of Tuatha Keep
[Both stepped up - December 16, 1989 (AS XXIV)]
[Both stepped down - Jan 1994 (AS XXVIII)]



1st Seneschal - Aidan Cocrinn
2nd Seneschal - Chidiock the Younger
3rd Seneschal -
Alric the Tall


1st Herald - Jadwiga Marina Majewska
2nd Herald - Angeline Marie le Chat du Coeur
3rd Herald - Gerald of Ipsley
4th Herald -
Bronwyn ferch Arial


1st Exchequer - Rachel of Colchester
2nd Exchequer - Rohanna Elizabeth Greywald
3rd Exchequer -
Sarra Katherine d'Argent

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoA - Sabine von Altheim
2nd MoA - Mellitus of Rouncivale
3rd MoA - Genevieve Penrose

1st MoS - Ana la Siniestra
2nd MoS - Siobhan MacAoidh
3rd MoS -
Sionain Lindsay

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal - Alric the Tall
2nd Knight's Marshal - Valens of Flatrock
3rd Knight's Marshal -
Rolf Eichmann
4th Knight's Marshal -
Eringlin Aldhelm

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal - Ian Grame
2nd Archer Marshal - Leif Tryggvasson
3rd Archer Marshal -
Lars Gilsson (Jan 1993)


1st Chronicler - Ariel of Glastonbury Tor
2nd Chronicler - Marguerite des Baux


1st Chatelaine - Barbette of Castle Dragon
2nd Chatelaine -
Marcellina Dave Staats


1st Chirurgeon - Aileen Brigit O'Kelly

Gold Key

1st Gold Key - Cadfael
2nd Gold Key - Maevb Donn



Baronial Archer Champion
1st Champion - Talan Silverhawk (June XXVII)
2nd Champion - Chidiock the Younger (June XXVIII)

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion
1st Champion - Briana Etain MacKorkhill (June/July XXVII)
2nd Champion - Bronwyn ferch Arial (Dec XXVIII)

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)
1st Champion - William of Questionable Intentions (May XXVI)
2nd Champion - Conell (July XXVII)
3rd Champion - Duncan Bruce of Logan (June XXVIII)


1.   August 6, 1993 - The Canton of Cúm an Iolair forms.
It's proposed heraldic device is:

Per pale Or and gules, an eagle displayed counterchanged and on a chief sable two laurel wreaths Or.

2.   Fall 1993 - The Canton of Houndsford forms.
It's proposed heraldic device is:

Barry wavy argent and azure, a hound passant within a laurel wreath Or.


6th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Alric the Tall & Ealdraed the Tall
[Both stepped up - Jan 1994, AS XXVIII]
[Both stepped down -  Dec 1994, AS XXVIII]



1st Seneschal - Theophano de Thessalonika


1st Herald - Bronwyn ferch Arial


1st Exchequer - Sarra Katherine d'Argent
2nd Exchequer -
Aileen Brigit O'Kelly

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoA - Genevieve Penrose
1st MoS -
Sionain Lindsay
2nd MoS -
Phillippe de Mortain

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal - Eringlin Aldhelm
2nd Knight's Marshal -
Donal O'Cockran

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal - Lars Gilsson


1st Chronicler - Marguerite des Baux
2nd Chronicler -
Klara Tschudi


1st Chatelain - Mellitus of Rouncivale

Minister of Children

1st MoC - Azelina of Presteigne

Gold Key

1st Gold Key - Maevb Donn
2nd Gold Key -
Alisaundre Muir



Baronial Archer Champion
1st Champion - Chidiock the Younger (June XXVIII)

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion
1st Champion - Bronwyn ferch Arial (Dec XXVIII) [For 1st month of Alric & Ealdraed's term.]
2nd Champion - Mellitus of Rouncivale

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)
1st Champion - Duncan Bruce of Logan (June XXVIII)


1. March 1994 - The Canton of Houndsford has it's name and device registered.

2. June 1994 - The Canton of Cúm an Iolair has it's name registered.

3. August 6, 1994 - The Canton of Cúm an Iolair gains full status and gets it's charter.


Vicar 2
Duncan Bruce of Logan
[Stepped up - January 28, 1995]
[Stepped down - March 18, 1995]

Selected by HRM Eringlin & HRH Valens to be caretaker and oversee the Barony of Forgotten Sea until a new Baronage was selected.

7th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Tiberius Marius Scutarius & Nicolette le Sabot Chevelu
[Both stepped up - March 18, 1995]
[Nicolette stepped down - March 28, 1998]
[Tiberius stepped down - March 27, 1999]



1st Seneschal - Theophano de Thessalonika
2nd Seneschal - Ariel of Glastonbury Tor
3rd Seneschal -
Luzia do Valongo


1st Herald - Cathyn Fitzgerald
2nd Herald - Asgeirr Gunnarsson
3rd Herald -
Rosaleng of the Roe Woode


1st Exchequer - Heather MacKenzie of Weir (Qamara)
2nd Exchequer -
Moira Dickson

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoA - Genevieve Penrose
1st MoS -
Phillippe de Mortain
2nd MoA -
Dorcas Whitecap
2nd MoS -
Trevor of Chinon
3rd MoAS -
Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal -
2nd Knight's Marshal -
Riik of Flatrock

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal - Roise ni Rhaudri
2nd Archer Marshal - Lars Gilsson


1st Chronicler - Rowenna Axelsdottir
2nd Chronicler -
Hrothgar the Smith
3rd Chronicler -
Nicolette le Sabot Chevelu

Web-Minister - [First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]

1st Web Minister - Luzia do Valongo


1st Chatelaine - Mellitus of Rouncivale
2nd Chatelaine -
Heather MacKenzie of Weir (Qamara bint Mellalah)
3rd Chatelaine -
Beocca the Fair of Hastings

Gold Key

1st Gold Key - Sophia de Verdun
2nd Gold Key - Olias of Darkpool

Minister of Children

1st MoC - Azelina of Presteigne
2nd MoC - vacant



Baronial Archer Champion
1st Champion - Chidiock the Younger
2nd Champion -
Daniel Martel
3rd Champion - Lars "Beowulf" Gilsson

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion
1st Champion - Mellitus of Rouncivale
2nd Champion - Sister Muirgheal of Cashell
3rd Champion - vacant

Baronial Equestrian Champion
1st Champion - Isolde of Hawksholme

Baronial Fighter Champion
1st Champion - Halidor Arkellson
2nd Champion - Cathyn Fitzgerald



1.   Baronial Populace Meetings move to Roeland Park Community Center.
2.   Winter 1995 - The Canton of Houndsford gains full status and gets it's charter.
3.   January 1996 - The Canton of Cúm an Iolair has it's device registered.
4.   Fall, 1996 - The Canton of Aston Tor forms.
It's proposed heraldic device is:

Per chevron enhanced Or and vert a flame within a laurel wreath Or.

5.   April 1997 - The Canton of Aston Tor has it's name and device registered.
6.   June 1997 - The Canton of Aston Tor gets its charter for full status.
7.   Fall 1997 - The Canton of Houndsford goes defunct.
8.   1998 - Aston Tor (Canton of BFS) hosts their first "Bobbin & Weaving" event.
9.   Proposal for a new group device for Forgotten Sea is made by the Baronage.
After discussion with various heralds (with multiple concepts suggested and
conflict-checked), the ideas are narrowed down to four new designs
. Polling of
the populace is done concerning the four new designs and the existing design.
The device selected for the new Baronial Heraldry
(created by His Lordship Modar)
Per chevron throughout argent and vert, two laurel wreaths and a tree
issuant from a trident head inverted counterchanged.

The submission of this new device is set in the works.

8th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Modar Neznanich & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
[Both stepped up - March 27, 1999, A.S. XXXIII]
[Both stepped down - June 9, 2002, A.S. XXXVII]



1st  Seneschal  -   Luzia do Valongo
2nd  Seneschal   -   Jonathan Hogue
3rd  Seneschal  -   Shajar al-Yaasmeen 
4th  Seneschal  -   Ana la Siniestra

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st  Herald  -   Rosaleng of the Roe Woode 
2nd  Herald   -   Dorcas Whitecap


1st  Exchequer   -   Moira Dickson 
2nd  Exchequer   -   Branwen ferch Rhael 

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st  MoAS  -   Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur 
2nd  MoAS   -   Caitrin Talbot
3rd  MoAS  -   Jorunn Eydisardottir 

Knight's Marshal

1st  Knight's Marshal   -   Riik of Flatrock
2nd  Knight's Marshal   -   Reimond of Ipstones
3rd  Knight's Marshal   -   Yesungge Altan
4th  Knight's Marshal  -  Gerald Kendall

Archer Marshal

1st  Archer Marshal  -   Lars "Beowulf" Gilsson
2nd  Archer Marshal   -   Uilleam MacAmhlaidh

Equestrian Marshal

1st  Equestrian Marshal   -   Madoc ap Llewellyn


1st  Chronicler  -   Nicolette le Sabot Chevelu 
2nd  Chronicler   -   Elisava of Arkhangel'sk
3rd  Chronicler  -   Johanne of Fisher Gate


1st  Web Minister  -   Luzia do Valongo 
2nd  Web Minister   -   Modar Neznanich
3rd  Web Minister    Rory McGowen


1st  Chatelaine  -   Beocca the Fair of Hastings 
2nd  Chatelaine   -   Anneliese Grossmund
3rd  Chatelaine  -   Aubrianne

Gold Key

1st  Gold Key  -   Olias of Darkpool
2nd  Gold Key   -   Anneliese Grossmund 
3rd  Gold Key   -   Aubrianne
4th  Gold Key  -   Juliana Foxcroft


1st Quartermaster - Maire O'Shannon

Minister of Children

1st  MoC  -   Beocca the Fair of Hastings 
2nd  MoC  -   Caitilin MacAllister
3rd  MoC  -   Alianora de Grey


1st Chirurgeon - Michel Zem Regenbogen Der Arzt


1st Water-Bearer - Michel Zem Regenbogen Der Arzt


1st Historian - William Crume

Games Keeper - [First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]

1st  Games Keeper  -   Mongke Gal
2nd  Games Keeper  -   Jadwiga Marina Majewska 

Dance Minister 

1st  Dance Minister  -   Khadija bint Shuja 

Baronial Fool - [First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]

1st  Baronial Fool   -   Roberto Carlos Dominguez 



Baronial Archer Champion

1st  Champion   -   Lars "Beowulf" Gilsson 
2nd  Champion   -   Garren of Aston Tor
3rd  Champion  -   Uilleam MacAmhlaidh
4th  Champion  -   Uilleam MacAmhlaidh
5th  Champion  -   William the Wicked

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion

1st  Champion  -   Molly Hathaway
2nd  Champion   -   Johanne of Fisher Gate 
3rd  Champion  -   Rory McGowen

Baronial Bardic Champion

1st  Champion   -   Baron Cormac MacCumail 
2nd  Champion   -   Fiona nic Gormliatha
3rd  Champion  -   Turlough mac Collin Mor
4th  Champion  -   Dorcas Whitecap

Baronial Equestrian Champion

1st  Champion   -   Isolde of Hawksholme
2nd  Champion   -   Isolde of Hawksholme
3rd  Champion  -   Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur 
4th  Champion  -   Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)

1st  Champion   -   Hrothgar the Smith
2nd  Champion   -   Gustav Jameson
3rd  Champion  -   Avraham ben David
4th  Champion  -   Albrecht of Crystal Mynes 

Baronial Games Champion - [First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]

1st  Champion   -   Jadwiga Marina Majewska 
2nd  Champion   -   Mongke Gal
3rd  Champion  -   Uilleam MacAmhlaidh



Bardic Guild - Turlough mac Collin Mor
Brewer's Guild - Rory McGowen
Cook's Guild - Marguerite des Baux
Fool's Guild  - Roberto Carlos Dominguez
Lace Guild - Marianna di Fiorenza (formerly known as Maire MacPharthalaine)



Blazons of the Baronial Devices & Badges can be found HERE.



1. A new additional Baronial Totem is established: The Sea Turtle

2. Baronial Award Structure is re-formalized:

Baronial Colors
Symbol: Green & White Ribbon or Favor
Given for: Being a productive member of the Barony.
Also Given for: Service to Forgotten Sea by non-Barony members.
(This makes non-BFS residents an Honorary Member of the Barony.)

Baronial Mark of Merit
Symbol: Green Leaf (from the Trident Tree)
Given for: Being a continuing productive member of the Barony.

Order of the Pilgrim's Badge
Symbol: Sea Turtle (travels the world)
Given for: Travel and/or acting as Baronial Ambassador.

Order of the Escallop
Symbol: Escallop
Given for: Service to the Barony.

Order of the Silver Griffin
Symbol: Silver Griffin
Given for: Accomplishment in an Area of Endeavor.

Baronial Spirit of Gallantry Award
Symbol: Chalice
Given for: Being an example of courtesy and chivalric behavior.

Order of the Trident Tree
Symbol: Trident Tree
Given for: Extended Service to the Barony.
*As per the Barony's first days, this is the highest baronial award possible*

3. Calontir's first female Knight is dubbed at the Lilies War (A.S. XXXV; June 2000 A.D.)
     and it is Forgotten Sea's own citizen, Syr (and Mistress) Ariel of Glastonbury Tor.

4. The Forgotten Sea Archer Guard is formed (revived). The original Charter can be found HERE.

5. The Forgotten Sea Brew Guild is created (revived). The original Charter can be found HERE.

6. The Forgotten Sea Lace Guild is created. The original Charter can be found HERE.

7. Forgotten Sea gets a new group device and becomes the first group in the SCA to be
     granted Ancient Arms by the College of Heralds in July of 2001.  

Ancient Arms:  Argent, a tree proper issuant from a trident head inverted sable 
between in chief two laurel wreaths vert.
Current Arms:  Per chevron throughout argent and vert, two laurel wreaths and
a tree issuant from a trident head inverted counterchanged.

8. The Forgotten Sea Bardic Guild is created. The original Charter can be found HERE.

9. The Forgotten Sea Fools Guild is created. The original Charter can be found HERE.

10. The Forgotten Sea Brewer's  Guild has one of its members set two new records: 
        In A.S. XXXV, His Lordship Rory McGowen gave away as largesse to the
        Crown & Baronage 600 bottles of brew. 
        In A.S. XXXVI, His Lordship Rory McGowen gave away as largesse to the
        Crown & Baronage 601 bottles of brew. 

11. When the tenure of this Baronage began, it was announced that the Baronial coffers were about $1600;
       when they completed their term as Baronage, the exchequery has over $10,000. (Much of this increase
       is due to one Kris Kinder event where the attendance was in excess of 700 people.)

12. In November 2001, the Barony celebrates it's 25th birthday. A pot-luck feast and baronial court are scheduled.
       In attendance are 147 members of the Barony.


Vicar 3 and Vicaress
Fearghus O'Shannon and Maire O'Shannon
[Stepped up - June 9, 2002, A.S. XXXVII]
[Stepped down - August 3, 2002, A.S. XXXVII]

Selected by TRMs Martino & Ariel to be caretakers and oversee the Barony until a new Baronage was selected.

Interim History:

February 9, 2002
TEs Modar & Briana notified the Calontir Crown of their desire to step down as Baronage of Forgotten Sea at the upcoming Lilies War in June.  

February 11, 2002
At the request of TRMs Donngal & Aislinn, additional notification was sent to TRHs
Martino & Ariel.  

March 2, 2002 
At Queen's Prize, TEs Modar & Briana officially begged the boon at court to be allowed to step down at the first court of the Lilies War.

April 18, 2002 
At a Forgotten Sea Baronial Populace Meeting, TRMs Martino & Ariel announced that they would be selecting a Vicar to be caretaker and oversee the Barony until they had time to do complete interviews and select a new Baronage.  They stated that the announcement of the new Baronage would be made at the Kingdom A&S competition being held July 27, 2002.  The timeframe for the investiture of the new Baronage would follow.

May 26, 2002 
A notice from the Baronial Seneschal goes out on the BFS_General & BFS_Curia e-lists that TRMs Martino & Ariel have announced there will be an Althing at the BFS populace meeting following the Lilies War, June 20, 2002. 

June 9, 2002
At opening court of the Lilies War, TEs Modar and Briana step down as Territorial Baronage of Forgotten Sea.   His Lordship Fearghus O'Shannon is announced as Vicar and Her Ladyship
Maire O'Shannon is announced as Vicaress.  Modar is made a Court Baron and Briana is made a Court Baroness. 

June 13, 2002
At the Thursday evening court of the Lilies War, TRMs Martino and Ariel announce that they will await the results of Crown Tourney and confer with Their Royal Heirs on the selection of the new BFS Baronage. They also state that they will take applications for the Forgotten Sea Baronage position from June 17, 2002 to July 1, 2002.

June 18, 2002
HRM Ariel contacted the Seneschal of Cúm an Iolair asking if the group would host the BFS Baronial Investiture at the upcoming Feast of Eagles event on August 3, 2002.

June 19, 2002
HRM Ariel sent a message out on the the BFS_General & BFS_Curia e-lists explaining the purpose of the upcoming Althings being held at the Barony and Canton meetings and the proposed time-line for selecting and investing a new Baronage. 

July 10, 2002
In the evening, TRMs Ariel & Martino post to the BFS_General e-list the names of four sets of candidates for the Baronage position, and state that they will accept written commentary on the candidates until July 25, 2002. The  names listed are:

Master Gerald and Mistress Genevieve
Sir Malachi and Mistress Dejaniera
His Lordship Avraham and Mistress Jorunn
Lord Pepin and Lady Aubrianne

A fifth set of candidates had applied, His Lordship Rory McGowen and Lady Banba MacDermot.  TRMs declined to accept their application, stating that they "do not reside within the borders of the barony." 

July 27, 2002
At the Kingdom A&S Championship and Tri-Levels event, the Barony of Forgotten Sea is announced as the new "Proponent of Arts & Sciences" for the Kingdom.

At court in the evening, TRMs announced that the new Baronage for Forgotten Sea would be Mistress Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur and Sir Malachi von Uri. 

August 3, 2002
His Lordship Fearghus O'Shannon & Her Ladyship Maire O'Shannon step down as Vicar & Vicaress.

9th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Malachi von Uri & Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur
[Both stepped up -  August 3, 2002, A.S. XXXVII]
[Both stepped down - June 11, 2006, A.S. XLI]



1st   Seneschal  -    Svana Lútudóttir (formerly Ana la Siniestra) 
2nd  Seneschal  -    Jorunn Eydisardottir
3rd  Seneschal  -  Brian mac Tomáis uí Fhoghladha

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st  Herald  -    Dorcas Whitecap 
2nd Herald  -  Gerald Kendall 
3rd Herald  -  Ines Alfón (formerly Mór inghean Chathail)


1st Exchequer   -    Branwen ferch Rhael 
2nd Exchequer  -  Layla bint Ali

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoAS  -    Jorunn Eydisardottir  
2nd MoAS   -    Juliana Avenel
3rd MoAS  -  Gwen A'Brooke

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal   -    Gerald Kendall 
2nd Knight's Marshal   -    Avraham ben David Hakhazar  
3rd Knight's Marshal  -  Toen FitzWilliam

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal   -  Uilleam MacAmhlaidh 
2nd Archer Marshal  -  William the Wicked
3rd Archer Marshal  -  Phoibe Korinthia (formerly Phoebe apo Korinthos)
4th Archer Marshal  -  Felix Gruenstrasse
5th Archer Marshal  -  Mathurin Kerbusso


1st Chronicler   -    Johanne of Fisher Gate 
2nd Chronicler   -    Gabrielle de la Roche
3rd Chronicler   -  Johanne of Fisher Gate
4th Chronicler  -  Svana Lútudóttir (formerly Ana la Siniestra) 


1st Web Minister    -     Andor Olgarde 
 2nd Web Minister  -  Arianna D'Calatrazi


1st Chatelaine   -    Aubrianne of Three Rivers 
2nd Chatelaine   -    Juliana Foxcroft 
3rd Chatelaine  -  Josefina de la Torre el Oso  (formerly Aubrianne of Three Rivers)
4th Co-Chatelaines  -  Lorraine Devereaux & Amanda of Coldcastle
5th Chatelaine  -  Constance Wilkicke

Gold Key

1st Gold Key   -     Juliana Foxcroft 
2nd Gold Key   -  Josefina de la Torre el Oso  (formerly Aubrianne of Three Rivers)
3rd Gold Key  -  Lorraine Devereaux
4th Gold Key  -  open


1st  Quartermaster   -    Maire O'Shannon 
2nd Quartermaster  -  Svana Lútudóttir (formerly Ana la Siniestra) 

Minister of Children

1st MoC   -    Bella Rosa  
2nd MoC  -  Diermuid
3rd MoC  -  Annika die Rauscherin


1st  Chirurgeon  -    Leyland O'Lee


1st Historian   -    William Crume 
 2nd Historian   -     vacant

Demo Coordinator 

1st Demo Coordinator   -    Josefina de la Torre el Oso  (formerly Aubrianne of Three Rivers)    
2nd Demo Coordinator   -  Lorraine Devereaux
3rd Demo Coordinator  -  Open: Contact the Seneschal



Baronial Archer Champion

1st Champion   -    William the Wicked  
2nd Champion   -  Arden Macdonald (aka Elkanah Macdonald of Arden)
3rd Champion   -  Llywelyn Lorell of Shrewsbury
4th Champion  -  Felix Gruenstrasse
5th Champion  -  Felix Gruenstrasse

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion

1st Champion   -    Rory McGowen 
2nd Champion   -  Gabrielle de la Roche   
3rd Champion   -  Johanne of Fisher Gate
4th Champion  -  Luzia do Valongo

Baronial Bardic Champion

1st Champion   -    Dorcas Whitecap 

Baronial Equestrian Champion

1st Champion   -    Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur 
2nd Champion  -  Jivete de Saumur
3rd Champion   -  Isolde of Hawksholme
4th Champion  -  Isolde of Hawksholme

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)

1st Champion   -    Albrecht of Crystal Mynes 
2nd Champion   -    Halidar Arkellson
3rd Champion   -  Ruaidhri ua Ceallaigh
4th Champion  -  Duncan of Skeene



Brewer's Guild   -   1st Guild Head  -    Taliesin Brynderw
 -   2nd Guild Head   -    Rory McGowen
Chainmail Interest Group   -   1st Group Head  -    Thomas the Black
Cook's Guild   -   1st Guild Head  -    Marguerite des Baux
   - 2nd Guild Head    Open



August 3, 2002
At the
Cúm an Iolair Birthday Event, Feast of Eagles, Malachi von Uri & Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur are invested as the 9th Baronage of Forgotten Sea.

August 3, 2002
A member of Forgotten Sea, Jadwiga Marina Majewska is made a Court Baroness for her service to the Kingdom.

September 2002
The Barony begins work-days for various projects. The first project is to create a portable, tear-down tourney fence to use as a new list field.  It turns out VERY nice.

October 5, 2002
BFS does demo at Roe Fest. 

December 13, 2002
The first Baronial Court of the new Baronage is held at the Baronial Yule Moot on the Friday evening before Kris Kinder event. It is announced that the Archer Guard is being renamed to the Archer Vann (after a Swiss title). It is announced that the archers will receive hoods with tassels attached as they advance in skill levels. Green and white hoods with a white/grey tassel for the Gray Guard; green and white hoods with green tassels for the Green Rangers; green and gold hoods with gold tassels for the BFS Foresters. (One new Green Ranger and one new Gray Guard is recognized.) Additionally, several Baronial Colors, Marks of Merit and Escallops are given out.

It is also announced that a new award is being created called the Order of Prester John. It is an "Uber-Pilgrim Badge" award for individuals who go to all the major wars during a given year.

December 2002 & January 2003
The Forgotten Sea Chainmail Interest Group is created (revived) with Lord Thomas the Black as Interest Group Head.  

February 5, 2003
At the Baronial Populace Meeting, an addition to the BFS awards is announced. It will be given to anyone who shows skill (at any level) in archery and will be known as the
Order of the Forester.

April 5, 2003
BFS participates in the Baron's Feast for Coronation and gets a good reception from feast-goers.

May 24, 2003
BFS hosts a tri-event at the Lilies War site: Horse & Falcons Event, King's Company of Archers Event and Crown Tournament. 

June 21, 2003
BFS does Pig Roast Party at Lilies War.

Fall 2003
The seneschal of Cúm an Iolair has discussion with the Baronage about the possibility of the group evolving from a canton to a shire. The Baronage arranges a meeting with the Kingdom Seneschal including officers and populace of both Forgotten Sea and Cúm an Iolair to discuss the idea and determine the process needed to accomplish the change. An agreement is reached for the Barony and Cúm an Iolair to first switch some zip-codes to arrange a more consistent border. Following the approval of this switch by the BoD, a poll will be taken of Barony members (including both Cúm an Iolair and Aston Tor) asking for approval of the status change.

Winter 2003
The Barony works on a war-banner project where it creates not only one for Forgotten Sea, but one to present to each Barony in Calontir.

December 13, 2003
Kris Kinder opened to the public this year, to try and improve sales for the merchants. 
Forgotten Sea wins the Kingdom Largesse Competition at Kris Kinder event.

January 10, 2004
Completed war banners were presented to the other baronies at the Grand Court at the Lonely Tower Investiture.

January 15, 2004
At a forward-planning meeting for Forgotten Sea, the current information on the proposed canton to shire proposal is discussed. At that point, the information available is:  The actual voting on the transition of Cúm an Iolair's status will occur soon, allowing each paying member of the Baronial populace (age 16 and over) to approve or disapprove of Cúm an Iolair receiving Shire status. Voting flyers will be available through the Clarion, and online for printing and mailing to the Baronage. Member numbers must be included to allow your vote to count. Hopefully the resolution will occur quickly and the change of status <if approved> could be granted at Feast of Eagles (the annual Cúm an Iolair birthday event) the first weekend of August, 2004. However the actual timeline will be up to the Kingdom and BoD.

February, 2004 (A.S. XXXVIII)
úm an Iolair and the Barony of Forgotten Sea re-align their zip codes to arrange a more consistent border in preparation should the canton be granted approval to become a shire.

Middle Eastern Dance Practice has begun at populace meetings. The Middle Eastern Dancers of Forgotten Sea want to issue a dance challenge to other groups for the Lilies War.

March 6, 2004
At the Coronation of King Siridean and Queen Sile, the new Royal Copes are presented for the first time. Several members of various groups are mentioned in thanks for their assistance with the project to produce the copes. Those from Forgotten Sea that were mentioned included Baroness Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur, Baron Modar Neznanich, Dona Luzia do Volongo and Mistress Jorunn Eydisardottir.

April 2004
Polling begins of the populace of the Barony of Forgotten Sea (including the cantons of C
úm an Iolair and Aston Tor) on the subject of Cúm an Iolair becoming a shire. Polling ballots are due in to the Kingdom Seneschal by May 8th.

April 29, 2004
BFS holds its first Video History Night. These evenings will have videos/DVDs on medieval topics/movies that will be reviewed. The first one shown is
the PBS show "Cathedral," based on the David Macaulay book.

May 28-31, 2004
olds an Arthurian-themed event, The Round Table Event. Autocrat: Trevor of Chinon 

June 12, 2004
The Kingdom Seneschal informs the members of Cúm an Iolair that the Crown has approved the petition for the group to become a shire. The members are also informed that the change-over still has to approved by the BoD but that it is just an administrative paperwork change.

July 1, 2004
The Baronage announces at the Forgotten Sea Populace & Forward Planning Meeting that the Crown plans to do the ceremony for the change of Cúm an Iolair's status (from canton to shire) at m an Iolair's upcoming event, Feast of Eagles, on August 7, 2004.

August 7, 2004
At the morning court of Feast of Eagles, Cúm an Iolair advances to the status of independent shire and is no longer a canton of Forgotten Sea.

August 7, 2004
At the evening court of Feast of Eagles, Countess Lyriel de la Foret (Gold Falcon Herald) asks a boon of the Crown (Siridean & Sile); that Forgotten Sea's former Territorial Baron, Modar Neznanich be admitted to the Order of the Pelican. The elevation to occur at the upcoming 25th Tournament of Valor.

September 25, 2004
Aston Tor, canton of BFS, holds the event, Maddogs & Englishmen.

November 6, 2004
Forgotten Sea holds Crown Tourney. The winner is Tristram of Lindesfarne, fighting for Katrine Thorroffsdottir.

December 11, 2004
Forgotten Sea holds a "Coats for Kids" drive in conjunction with the Kris Kinder event.

May 2005
Forgotten Sea holds an Arthurian "Holy Grail" event.

July 17, 2005
The BFS Archer Marshal Mathurin Kerbusso holds an Archer's Picnic at Shawnee Mission Park.

August 2005
Beginning work on largesse to present at Kris Kinder will be done at populace meetings.

September 2005
The September issue of The Clarion newsletter notes a change of chroniclers and states, " the future, an expand issue of The Clarion  will be mailed once each quarter."

Fall 2005
The Baronial Fighter Practices have been moved to Thursday nights, and on evenings when it falls on the scheduled Populace Meetings, it is combined with the Baronial meeting.

October 2005
The Baronial Archery Practice has been moved indoors at the Wyandotte County Fairgrounds building.

December 3, 2005
In evening court at the Kris Kinder event, TEs Malachi von Uri & Dejaniera de la Mille Coeur notified the Calontir Crown of their desire to step down as Baronage of Forgotten Sea. TRMs Martino II and Ariel stated that since They had selected the last Baronage for Forgotten Sea, They would allow TRHs Vaclav Semjaka & Xorazne Artsruni to make the next selection.  More information and the time frame for the change of Baronage would be forthcoming.

January 2006
Baronial Populace Meetings moved from Roeland Park Community Center to the fighting site at Ray Marsh Elementary School.

March 4, 2006
Forgotten Sea hosts Spring R.U.S.H.

March 6, 2006
At monthly Curia meeting the upcoming May 27 event called Tournament of Falcons (previously known as Horse & Falcons), is discussed and it is decided upon to cancel the event. Notice from the Seneschal states, "After weighing the pros and cons, the Curia decided that it was in the best interest of the Barony to cancel the event. Just so everyone can see why this decision was made: 1) The event was scheduled opposite a Northshield/Calontir interkingdom event. 2) Their have been a large number of events in this area in a short period of time. 3) Two weeks before Lilies. 4) No horses allowed at "Horse and Falcon" this year.  There are other reasons as well but these were the main ones."

March 25, 2006
Forgotten Sea hosts Coronation of Vaclav Semjaka & Xorazne Artsruni.

April 13, 2006
In the evening, Baron Malachi posts to the BFS_General e-list the names of the three sets of candidates for the Forgotten Sea Baronage position, and states that TRMs will accept written commentary on the candidates until April 22, 2006. The sets of candidates are:

His Lordship Avraham ben David Hakhazar & Mistress Jorunn Eydisardottir
His Lordship Trevor
of Chinon & Her Ladyship Svana Lútudóttir (formerly Ana la Siniestra)
Lord Andor i Ólgarði (Andor
Olgarde) & Lady Gabrielle de la Roche

May 6, 2006
In the morning court of Crown Tourney, TRMs announced the new Baronage for Forgotten Sea will be Trevor of Chinon & Svana Lútudóttir.  Their investiture will occur at the first court of this year's Lilies War.

10th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Trevor of Chinon & Svana Lútudóttir
[Both stepped up -  June 11, 2006, A.S. XLI]
[Both stepped down - February 2, 2008, A.S. XLII]



1st  Seneschal  -  Brian mac Tomáis uí Fhoghladha

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st Herald  -  Ines Alfón
2nd Herald   -  Sythe Blackwolfe
3rd Herald  -  Ines Alfón (acting / interim)


1st Exchequer  -  Layla bint Ali
2nd Exchequer  -  Otto Augustin von Württemberg
3rd Exchequer  -  Bjarni Ulfarsson

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoAS  -  Gwen A'Brooke
2nd MoAS  -  Carres Sabran
3rd MoAS  -  Alianora de Olmandiers

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal  -  Toen FitzWilliam
2nd Knight's Marshal  -  Brendan Mac an tSaoir

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal  -  Mathurin Kerbusso
2nd Archer Marshal  -  Gerald Kendall 


1st Chronicler  -  Lorraine Devereaux 


1st Web Minister    -     Martinus Draco Byzantios
2nd Web Minister  -  Lorraine Devereaux


1st Chatelaine   -    Constance Wilkicke
2nd Chatelaine  -   Open

Gold Key

1st Gold Key   -      Open


1st Quartermaster  -  Svana Lútudóttir (formerly Ana la Siniestra) 

Minister of Youth / Children

1st MoY/C   -     Annika die Rauscherin
2nd MoY/C  -   Open


1st  Chirurgeon  -    Leyland O'Lee


1st Historian   -     Open

Demo Coordinator 

1st Demo Coordinator   -      Open: Contact the Seneschal



Baronial Archer Champion

1st Champion   -    Felix Gruenstrasse 

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion

1st Champion   -     Luzia do Valongo

Baronial Bardic Champion

1st Champion   -    Dorcas Whitecap 

Baronial Equestrian Champion

1st Champion   -    Isolde of Hawksholme

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)

1st Champion   -    Duncan of Skeene


Brewers Guild   -   1st Guild Head  -    Rory McGowen
Chainmail Interest Group   -   1st Group Head  -    Thomas the Black
Cooks Guild   -   1st Guild Head  -      Open
Fiber Arts Guild  - 1st Guild Head  -  Luzia do Valongo
Lampworkers Guild  - 1st Guild Head  -  Otto Augustin von Wurttemberg
   - 2nd Guild Head  -    Open
Scribal Interest Group  - 1st Group Head  -  Ines Alfón
   - 2nd Group Head  -  Carres Sabran
   - 3rd Group Head  -    Open


June 11, 2006
At the first court of Lilies War XX, Trevor of Chinon & Svana Lútudóttir are invested as the 10th Baronage of Forgotten Sea.

August 7, 2006
At Curia meeting it is established:

          1. October 21, 2006 will be an all day Baronial Newcomers Welcome Day and Feast. Constance Wilkicke is
               listed as the autocrat. The site is still to be determined , but the site fee will be $5, free entrance for
               non-members with "coupons" given at RenFest demos.  (Demos scheduled to be Sept 30, Oct 7 & Oct 14)

          2. January 27, 2007 the Barony will sponsor the Queen's Prize Tourney event.  Autocrat: Dejaniera

          3. April 28, 2007 the Barony will sponsor an all day Kingdom Cooking Symposium.  Autocrat: Gwen A'Brooke
              Noted: This event will not sponsor any fighting tourneys or melees

11th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Avraham ben David Hakuzari & Jorunn Eydisardottir
[Both stepped up -  February 2, 2008, A.S. XLII]
[Both stepped down - May 28, 2011, A.S. XLVI]



1st  Seneschal  -  Heinrich Malachi von Uri der Messerschmidt (acting / interim)
2nd  Seneschal  -  Nymandus vom Weidehugel
3rd  Seneschal  -  Brendan Mac an tSaoir

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st Herald  -  Ines Alfón (acting / interim)
2nd Herald  -  Herman von Mandel
3rd Herald  -  Anton Raghelan
4th Herald  -  Kristine nic Tallier
5th Herald  -  Ysabeau Lambert


1st Exchequer  -  Bjarni Ulfarsson
2nd Exchequer  -  Branwen ferch Rhael 
3rd Exchequer  -  Lucian Fidelis 

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoAS  -  Alianora de Olmandiers

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal  -  Brendan Mac an tSaoir
2nd Knight's Marshal  -  Hans Krieger

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal  -  Gerald Kendall 
2nd Archer Marshal  -  Lora Ann Ros 


1st Chronicler  -  Lorraine Devereaux 
2nd Chronicler  -  Jehannette de Nicé Montjaux
3rd Chronicler  -  Mea Giuseppi de Firenze
4th Chronicler  -  Open


1st Web Minister    -  Lorraine Devereaux
2nd Web Minister  -  Donal O'Corchrain
3rd Web Minister  -  Svana Lútudóttir (formerly Ana la Siniestra)
4th Web Minister  -  Tamar bat Avraham


1st Chatelaine   -    Ines Alfón

Gold Key

1st Gold Key  - Open


1st Quartermaster  -  Svana Lútudóttir (formerly Ana la Siniestra) 

Minister of Youth

1st MoY  -  Open


1st  Chirurgeon  -  Leyland O'Lee
2nd  Chirurgeon  -  Open


1st Historian  -  Open

Demo Coordinator 

1st Demo Coordinator   -      Open: Contact the Seneschal



Baronial Archer Champion

1st Champion   -    Felix Gruenstrasse 
2nd Champion  -  Daniel Martel

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion

1st Champion   -     Luzia do Valongo
2nd Champion  -  

Baronial Bardic Champion

1st Champion   -    Dorcas Whitecap 
2nd Champion  -  

Baronial Equestrian Champion

1st Champion   -    Isolde of Hawksholme
2nd Champion  -  

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)

1st Champion   -    Duncan of Skeene
2nd Champion  -  


Brewers Guild   -   1st Guild Head  -    Rory McGowen
   - 2nd Guild Head  -    Open
Chainmail Interest Group   -   1st Group Head  -    Thomas the Black
Cooks Guild   -   1st Guild Head  -       Open
Fiber Arts Guild  - 1st Guild Head  -  Luzia do Valongo
Lampworkers Guild  - 1st Guild Head  -    Open
Scribal Interest Group  - 1st Group Head  -    Open


Feb 2, 2008
At the court of Clothiers Seminar XXIII, Avraham ben David Hakuzari & Jorunn Eydisardottir are invested as the
11th Baronage of Forgotten Sea. 
Autocrat: Briana Etain MacKorkhill

March, 2008
Loch Smythe, located in Smithville, MO area, is announced as a Canton of the Barony of Forgotten Sea.
Their proposed heraldic device is:

Argent, a sea-serpent ondoyant between in chief two laurel wreaths vert and a base barry wavy vert and argent. 
[design created by Modar]



Spring 2008
BFS hosts the first "Bloody Trident Inn", a local event with period inn themes where there is medieval games, "gambling", fighting and feast.

March 28, 2009
BFS hosts the Coronation of Calontir’s 51st Royalty, Martino III & Ariel at the Kol Ami Synagogue in Prairie Village, KS.

Feb 12, 2010
Aston Tor (Canton of BFS) hosts their 13th Annual "Bobbin & Weaving" event.

Feb 20, 2010
Loch Smythe (Canton of BFS) hosts their first ever event, "Winter of the Boar's Discontent" which is named after one of the first events held by Cúm an Iolair (former canton of BFS) called "The Winter of the Pig's Discontent".

May 8, 2010
Aston Tor (Canton of BFS) hosts/sponsors the "Bardic Bedlam" event at Áine nic Tailliuer's place in Blue Springs, MO.

Dec 11, 2010
At the Kris Kinder event, Master Modar Neznanich sponsors a Heraldic Outerwear Competition. Info and rules at:

12th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Duncan Bruce of Logan & Ylva Jonsdotter
[Both stepped up -  May 28, 2011, A.S. XLVI]
[Both stepped down -
May 23, 2015, A.S. L]



1st  Seneschal  -  Brendan Mac an tSaoir
2nd  Seneschal  -  Kamiizumi Hirotarou (Taro)
3rd  Seneschal   -  Emma Marthokys

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st Herald  -  Ysabeau Lambert
2nd Herald  -  Edward Logan de Munro (called Logan)


1st Exchequer  -  Lucian Fidelis 
2nd Exchequer  -  Svana Lútudóttir
3rd Exchequer - Lisette la Fauconniere

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoAS  -   Miriam von Schwarzwald  
2nd MoAS  -   Cecilia de Gatisbury

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal  -  Hans Krieger
2nd Knight's Marshal  -  Niall Mac Broin
3rd Knight's Marshal - Colyne Gray

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal  -  Lora Ann Ros 
2nd Archer Marshal  -  Søren atte Raven
3rd Archer Marshal  -   Janos Katona

Equestrian Marshal

1st Equestrian Marshal  -  Open

 Social Media Officer -
[First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]


1st Social Media Officer  -  Roise inghean ui Rhauidhrie
2nd Social Media Officer  -  Lorraine Devereaux


1st Chronicler  -  Narcissus Patricius
2nd Chronicler  -  Phaedra filia Roberti


1st Web Minister    -  Tamar bat Avraham
2nd Web Minister  -  Michele di Medici
3rd Web Minister  -  Gustav Jameson


1st Chatelaine   -    Ines Alfón
2nd Chatelaine  -  Miranda Logansdottir 
3rd Chatelaine  -  Helena of Tor 

Gold Key

1st Gold Key   -      Open


1st Quartermaster  -  Svana Lútudóttir  

Minister of Youth

1st MoY  - Open 


1st  Chirurgeon  -  Finan mac Crimthainn


1st Historian  - Open

Demo Coordinator 

1st Demo Coordinator   -  Open



Baronial Archer Champion

1st Champion - Alessandra de Piro
2nd Champion - Kitsu Katome
3rd Champion  -  Søren atte Raven

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion

1st Champion - Lasair nic Tallieur
2nd Champion  -   Niall Mac Broin
3rd Champion -  Janos Katona

Baronial Bardic Champion

1st Champion   -                                         

Baronial Equestrian Champion

1st Champion  -  

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)

1st Champion  -  Martino Michel Venneri
2nd Champion   -  Martus of Forgotten Sea
3rd Champion - Vakri Valdikrsson
4th Champion - Colyne Gray


Brewers Guild   - 1st Guild Head  - Open
Chainmail Interest Group  - 1st Guild Head  - Thomas the Black
Cooks Guild   - 1st Guild Head  - Open
Fiber Arts Guild  - 1st Guild Head  - Luzia do Valongo
Lampworkers Guild  - 1st Guild Head  - Open
Scribal Interest Group  - 1st Guild Head  - Open


May 28, 2011
At the court of the Crown Tournament / Horse & Falcons event, Duncan Bruce of Logan & Ylva Jonsdotter are invested as the 12th Baronage of Forgotten Sea.

July 7, 2012
The Canton of Aston Tor holds the event, "Un-slung Heroes", at which the new Baronial Archery and Baronial Fighting Champions are determined.

November 9, 2013
The Canton of Aston Tor holds the event, "Revenant's Revel", which Lord Janos Katona autocratted. It is the third SCA event to be held in the KC metro with that name.  The two previous events by this name were held by Cum an Iolair (with Modar as the autocrat).

Fall 2014
The Barony agrees to provide support next spring to the Shire of Carlsby, who will be hosting the Spring Crown Tourney on March 28th, 2015.

December 13, 2014
The Oct 2014 LoAR is published and the Canton of Loch Smythe's new name (and device) are registered: "Loch Bheathrach, Canton of. Branch name and device. Argent, a sea-serpent ondoyant, in chief two laurel wreaths vert, a base wavy barry wavy vert and argent."  
Loch Bheathrach means 'Lake of the Serpent'.

Feb 11, 2015
The Barony has been holding regular Cut & Thrust practices for many months. The Feb. Curia Notes state: "Regional Cut and Thrust Fighter Practice: This event was proposed at Curia for the first time. Overwhelming approval means that this will happen. The weekend of July 4th was chosen as a probable date. If we cannot find a suitable site indoors due to the holiday November 14th and 15th will be used as a back up dates" 

Feb 15, 2015
The Crown has announced there are two pairs of candidates applying for the position as the new Baronage of Forgotten Sea, as Baron Duncan and Baroness Ylva have asked to step down after many years serving as baronage.  The two pairs are: Lord Søren atte Raven & Lady Rowan del Wich and Lord Niall Mac Broin & Lady Aine nic Tailliuer.  The Crown asks for commentary from the populace of Forgotten Sea, plus the Barony's Cantons of Aston Tor and Loch Bheathrach. Commentary will be accepted until Midnight of April 10th, 2015.

13th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea
Søren atte Raven & Lady Rowan del Wich
[Both stepped up -  May 23, 2015, A.S. L]
[Both stepped down - 
Dec 14, 2019, A.S. LIV]



1st  Seneschal  -  Emma Marthokys 
2nd  Seneschal - Miranda Logansdottir
3rd  Seneschal -  Caitilín ingen Áengusa
4th  Seneschal - Aed mac Cormaic

Herald [Fountain Pursuivant]

1st Herald  -  Edward Logan de Munro (called Logan) 
2nd Herald  -  Brian Robert MacDougall
3rd Herald - Zarah bat Chesed


1st Exchequer - Lisette la Fauconniere
2nd Exchequer  -  Anna Plantyn

Minister of Arts & Sciences

1st MoAS  -   Cecilia de Gatisbury 
2nd MoAS  -  Kathryne Winterbourne
3rd MoAS - Aelin Kausi
4th MoAS - Ylva Jonsdottir

Knight's Marshal

1st Knight's Marshal - Colyne Gray
2nd Knight's Marshal  -  Alric Upplendingr
3rd Knight's Marshal - John Bowyer

Archer Marshal

1st Archer Marshal  -   Janos Katona

Equestrian Marshal

1st Equestrian Marshal  -  Open

 Social Media Officer 


1st Social Media Officer  -  Lorraine Devereaux


1st Chronicler  -  Phaedra filia Roberti
2nd Chronicler  -   Fabia Narcissa Patricia
3rd Chronicler - Edward Logan de Munro (called Logan)


1st Web Minister - Gustav Jameson
2nd Web Minister - Edward Logan de Munro (called Logan) 
3rd Web Minister - Ayisha bint Asad
4th Web Minister - Hirakawa Kagetora

1st Chatelaine  -  Helena of Tor 
2nd Chatelaine  -  Josefina del Torre
3rd Chatelaine - Emerick Jones

Gold Key

1st Gold Key -  Open


1st Quartermaster  -  Svana Lútudóttir  

Minister of Youth

1st MoY  - Open 


1st  Chirurgeon  -  Finan mac Crimthainn


1st Historian  - Open

Demo Coordinator 

1st Demo Coordinator   -  Open



Baronial Archer Champion

1st Champion  -  Søren atte Raven

Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion

1st Champion  -   Janos Katona 

Baronial Bardic Champion

1st Champion   -    OPEN                                  

Baronial Cut & Thrust Champion - [First time it was established in Forgotten Sea]

1st Champion   -    Michael Reid                                   

Baronial Equestrian Champion

1st Champion  -  OPEN

Baronial Fighter Champion (Warlord)

1st Champion -  Colyne Gray 
2nd Champion  - Johan der Hund


Archery Practice 
Brewers Guild
Chainmail Interest Group
Cooks Guild 
Cut & Thrust Practice
Fiber Arts Guild
Fighter / Heavy Weapons Practice
Lampworkers Guild
Scribal Interest Group


May 23, 2015
At the Horse & Falcons event the investiture of the new Forgotten Sea Baronage occurred. The new Excellencies are: Søren atte Raven & Rowan del Wich 

14th Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea

Gerald Kendall & Alianora de Olmandiers
[Both stepped up -  Dec 14, 2019, A.S. LIV]
[Both stepped down - ]




Date: June 2015



Forgotten Sea Line of Heralds

SCA Name   Notes
William Coeur du Boeuf - Shire Herald: For about a month, then steps aside.
Gwydion Cinhil Kirontin - Shire Herald: Former Shire of the Golden Phoenix herald
Rhodri Hawkmoon (aka Dorian Hawkmoon, Dorian Moonraven & Kyr Moonraven)  - Shire Herald
Imrael Goldenleaf (later changed to Morgan Griffith of York) - Shire Herald
Chirhart Blackstar - Shire Herald
Reyn Launcegay - Baronial Herald:  First Forgotten Sea Baronial Herald
Wolfgang Zungewohle von Volkersheim  - Baronial Herald
Raven Thaline O'Daye (later changed to Hrafnhildr o Landyssul) - Baronial Herald:  First Fountain Pursuivant
Wolfgang Zungewohle von Volkersheim - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant (Second time serving)
Andreas of Green Village - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Eliane de Cavaillon (aka Elisabeth) - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Andrew Lyon of Wolvenwood - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Jadwiga Marina Majewska - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Angeline Marie le Chat du Coeur (later changed to Signy Ulfsdottir) - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Gerald of Ipsley   - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Bronwyn ferch Arial - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Cathyn Fitzgerald - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Asgeirr Gunnarsson - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Rosaleng of the Roe Woode - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Dorcas Whitecap - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Gerald Kendall  - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Ines Alfón (formerly Mór inghean Chathail) - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Sythe Blackwolfe - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Ines Alfón - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant (Acting / Interim)
Herman von Mandel - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Anton Raghelan - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Kristine nic Tallier - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Ysabeau Lambert - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Edward Logan de Munro - Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Brian Robert MacDougall -Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Zarah bat Chesed -Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant
Dorcas Whitecap -Baronial Herald / Fountain Pursuivant

©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020  Ron Knight
Baron Modar Neznanich, Order of the Pelican

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