Medieval Hats
An ongoing site with articles and links on medieval hats.
Straw Hats in Medieval and Renaissance Works of Art
How to make a Coif [worn by both men & women] by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Embroidered Coif by Aénor d’Anjou
Hooded Mantle or Cowl by Randall Whitlock
Medieval Hoods by Cynthia du Pré Argent
13th Century Toque Hat (aka Fillet Hat) by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Crespinettes by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Quick 'n' Easy Cauls by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Men's Rolled (stuffed) Hats by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Women's Rolled (stuffed) Hats by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Basic Construction for a Butterfly Hat or Truncated-Cone Henin by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Arnolfini Headdress, Truncated-Cone Henins and Butterfly Henins by Cynthia du Pré Argent
A Truncated Hennin by Annastassja Diaz de Leon
Chaperon's and How to Make Them
In Service of Silly Hats: The First Straw -- and the Last Dryer Vent by Cynthia du Pré Argent
Headrails by Corisander Seathwaite
How to Make a Hood by Dawn Duperault
Fernando, Infante de Castille's Coif
Hoods, Chaperons and Liripipes
Men's Italian Renaissance Red Hats
Two Short-Crowned Brimless Hats
French Hoods: Their History and Development
Constructing an Elizabethan Muffin Cap
Relative Frequency of Headdresses by Type Found in a Sample of Visual Sources, 1400-1519
Headwear and Haristyles of Venice
Netting for Hairnets by Nicolaa de Bracton
©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005, 2006 Sheryl Knight (Briana Etain MacKorkhill) & Ron Knight (Modar Neznanich)
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