Kingdom of
Calontir Heraldic Officer Listing
Kingdom Heralds & Deputies [For a description of duties for the offices, click: HERE] |
Gold Falcon Herald | Principal Herald |
Her Ladyship Constantia Kaloethes |
Purple Falcon
Herald (formerly Eyas Herald) |
(Gold Falcon Emergency Take Over/Drop Dead) |
Lord Saito Takauji |
Saker Herald | (Submissions) |
Lady Alexandra Vazquez de Granada |
Eyas Herald | (Submissions Herald Take Over/Drop Dead) |
Currently Vacant |
Red Hawk Herald (formerly Hawk Herald) |
(External Commenting) |
Lady Zaneta Baseggio |
Batelier Herald (formerly Battleur Herald) |
(Field Heraldry) |
Lord Da’ud ibn Ibrahim al-Sisari (Dawi) |
Habicht Herald | (Education & Protocol) |
Mistress Sofya la Rus |
White Hawk Herald | (Personal Voice Herald for TRMs) | Her Ladyship Annora Reyner |
Falconet Herald | (Personal Protocol Herald for TRHs) |
Currently Vacant |
Lanner Herald | (Ceremonies) |
Master Rhodri Ap Hywel |
Kite Herald | Reporting
Deputy Northeast Regional |
Lord Giovanni Loredan |
Sparrow Hawk
Herald (formerly Condor Herald) |
Deputy Northwest Regional |
His Lordship Nikolai Spiach'ev |
Harrier Herald | Reporting
Deputy Center Regional |
Mistress Dorcas Whitecap |
Buteo Herald | Reporting
Deputy Southeast Regional |
His Lordship Edward de Kent |
Gerfalcon Herald | Reporting
Deputy Southwest Regional |
Baroness Marie Chantal
Delaire |
Blue Hawk Herald (Clerk of the Precedence) |
(Order of Precedence) |
His Lordship Eynon Llangenydd |
Vert Hawk Herald (Armorialist) |
(On-line Armorial) | His Lordship Gunnar Thorisson also; |
Goodhand Herald (Silent Heralds) |
(Sign Language) |
Her Ladyship Nesscia inghean Chearnaigh |
Historian | (Kingdom History) | Mistress Rhianydd yn
Arbeth |
Purple Quill Herald | (Assistant to Gold Falcon Herald) |
Currently Vacant |
Kestrel Herald | (Publications) | Currently Vacant |
NOTE: Some of these positions, such as Kestrel, Purple Falcon, Lanner, Batelier,
Eyas and Purple
Quill may not be filled at certain times,
depending on the desires of the current Gold Falcon Herald in disbursing
responsibilities amongst the Heraldic Staff.
The position of
Falconet Herald may not be filled if the Prince & Princess
prefer not to have or does not need a personal heraldic advisor. White Hawk
be left vacant if the Royalty prefers to handle Royal Courts with local heralds
rather than having a specific personal herald.
Group Heralds
Group Name | Herald |
Coeur d'Ennui, Barony of - Cabochard Pursuivant |
- Lord Tanaka Ujimoria Etxeberry |
Forgotten Sea, Barony of - Fountain Pursuivant |
- Lord Brian Robert MacDougall |
Lonely Tower, Barony of the - Anser Pursuivant |
- Lord Khalil Abd I Wahid |
Mag Mor, Barony of - Gemshorn Pursuivant |
- Her Ladyship Natalya Alekseya Vasilova |
Three Rivers, Barony of - Hippogriff Pursuivant |
- Lord Da’ud ibn Ibrahim al-Sisari (Dawi) |
Vatavia, Barony of - Caltrop Pursuivant |
- His Lordship Johann Steinarsson |
Amlesmore, Shire of | - Wulfhere of Eofeshamme |
Aston Tor, Canton of - Sea-Sheep Herald |
- Lady Aine nic Taillear |
Axed Root, Canton of | - Lord Giovanni Loredan |
Bellewode, College of | - vacant |
Bois D'Arc, Shire of | - Lady Gunnora Aldenach |
Calanais Nuadh, Shire of | - Lord Crespin de Laon |
Carlsby, Shire of | - Lady Diuer Crispinus |
Crescent Moon, Shire of | - Mistress Katriana op den Dijk |
Crystal Mynes, Shire of | - Lavinia of Catmere |
an Iolair, Shire of - Talon Herald |
- Lady Zarra bint Uziel |
Deodar, Shire of | - Master Thomas Mailer |
Dun Ard, Shire of | - vacant |
Flinthyll, Shire of | - Lady Eva of Ragland |
Golden Sea, Contact Group of | - vacant |
Grimfells, Shire-March of | - Her Ladyship Aline Swynbrook |
Gryphon's Mark, Incipient Shire of | - vacant |
Heraldshill, Shire of | - Mistress Sofya la Rus |
Ivory Keep, Contact Group of | - vacant |
Loch Bheathrach, Canton of | - vacant |
Lost Forest, Stronghold of | - vacant |
Lost Moor, Shire of | - Lord Rufus Tenstone |
Midgaards Crossing, Incipient Shire of | - vacant |
. | |
Moonstone, Contact Group of | - vacant |
NoMountain, College of | - vacant |
Oakheart, Shire of | - Lady Angharad de Painscastle |
Shadowdale, Shire of | - Lady Rohese de Dinan |
Spinning Winds, Shire of | - vacant |
Standing Stones, Shire of | - Lord Ancelin de Briquessart |
Westumbria, Shire of | - vacant |
Wyvern Cliffe, Shire of | - Her Ladyship Hrefna Hallberudottir |
Listing of Heralds
(Group Heralds; Heralds Extraordinaire; Heralds-at-Large; Free-Lance Heralds;
Heraldic Artists; Staff Heralds; Etc.)
Adhemar de Chartres | |
Aldred Lyccidfelth | |
Alexandra (Shandra) Vazquez de Granada | |
Amanda of Coldcastle | Heraldic Artist |
Ambruogio d'Arcagnolo degli Acciaiuoli | |
Ameline | |
Amelyn Pope | |
Ancelin de Briquessart | |
Anders Mjöksiglandi | |
Andreas of Green Village | Lupine Herald |
Angharad de Painscastle | |
Annora Reyner | |
Annys de Vernun of Kettering | Hawk Herald Extraordinary |
Anton Raghelan | |
Antonia (of Heraldshill) | |
Aoki Tadamitsu
[formerly Timothy of Northkeep] |
Asbjórn kolbrúnarskáld | |
Baine an Airgid | |
Banba MacDermot | |
Beatrice Sidney | |
Briana Etain MacKorkhill | |
Brigida von München | |
Caillin MacKenzie | |
Caitlin de Bruis | |
Caius Rectus Xerxis | |
Caoimhin McKee (aka Evil Modar) | Sanglier Rouge Herald Extraordinary |
Cassandra di Borghi | |
Cellach inghean ui Dhubhthaigh | |
Christmas Albanach | |
Christopher Amber | Gold Penguin Herald |
Constantia Kaloethes | |
Corwyn MacCamie | |
Dabhaidh Orcheard | Hapenny Herald |
Dafydd ap Owain (Dewi) | |
Diuer Crispinus | |
Donald Andrew MacDonald | |
Dorcas Whitecap | |
Einarr Grimsson | |
Eleanor ferch Rhiwallon | |
Elena Noel de Montbéliard | |
Elena Skynith | |
Elspeth of Stonehaven | |
Eric St. Leger | |
Ermenrich von Duisburg | |
Evangeline Bajolet | |
Fionna McClancy | |
Fionnghualla Frisiel | |
Fujiwara no Kitsume / Kit Fox | |
Gawain of Miskbridge | Green Anchor Herald Extraordinary |
Gawayne ap Tristam | |
Gerald Kendall | |
Gerald of Ipsley | |
Giudo di Niccolo Brunelleschi | |
Gofanko Popvich | |
Gotfrid von Schwaben | |
Grimwulf Harland | Heraldic Artist |
Gunnar Thorisson | |
Gylys mac an Deoir | |
Hendrick von Sievershausen | |
Herman von Mandel | |
Ines Alfón [formerly Mór inghean Chathail] |
White Tyger Herald, formerly Blanch Tyger Herald Heraldic Artist |
Jacqueline de Meux | |
Jacquette de Brackeleire | |
Jadwiga Marina Majewska | Purple Cat Herald |
Jantije Goudenpaard | |
Jehanne Bening | |
Jibra'il Attar | |
Johann Steinarsson | |
Johanne of Fisher's Gate | |
Jon Tristram | |
Karl von Schattenburg | |
Nimet [formerly Ceara inghean Ghallchobhair uí Chionaoith] |
Kjarten Hreinsson | |
Kristine nic Tallier | |
Lavinia of Catmere | |
Lorenzino Bartolome dei Albizzi | |
Lyriel de la Foret | |
Madeleine Rose de Cardeville | |
Madoc Arundel | Shrike Herald |
Mairghrec inghean Ewan | |
Mairi Rose | |
Mairin of Axed Root | |
Marguerite des Baux | |
Marianna da Fiorenza | |
Marie Chantal Delaire | |
Martinus Draco Byzantios | |
Maximillian Johann von Kleve | |
Melina Attewode | |
Michael St. Leger | |
Miguel al-Andalus | |
Mikhail Nikolaevich | Culuerene Herald |
Miklos Farma | |
Modar Neznanich | Volk Herald Extraordinary |
Moira (of Aston Tor) | |
Mongke Gal |
Nicholas Joslin Nikolai Spiach'ev |
Olga Belobashnina Cherepanova | Heraldic Artist |
Odierne Lion [formerly Morag ingen Dubgilla] |
Condor Herald |
Olivia MacKay | |
Pipa Sparkes | |
Randal Logan of Knightsbridge | |
Regina Lisle | |
Richard de Bleys | |
Robert Lector of Reading | |
Roberto Carlos Dominguez | |
Roget du Callet | |
Rohese de Dinan | |
Rosa LaStrange | |
Ruaidhrí mac Dómhnaill
(aka Blackwolf) |
Roselyn of Aberdeen | |
Shamus of Blackthornton [formerly Shamus Kurbane] |
Shariya bint Badr | |
Simon Aspatins | |
Sofya la Rus | |
Susannah Griffon | |
Suzanne de la Ferté |
Takamatsu Muneaki )
[formerly Gwalchmai Saethydd] |
Taras of Galindia | |
Tatjana Nikonovna | |
Thomas Foxleye of the Grenewode | |
Thyri Haraldsdottir | |
Twilleliah nic Taillier | Heraldic Artist |
Una Dos | |
Vaska McCormick | |
Wilhelm Meis | |
William Graver | |
Winnifred d'Artois | |
Ximena Etxeberria | |
Yngvarr Grafeldrskald | |
Ysabeau Lambert | |
Zarra bint Uziel | |
NOTICE: Anyone who does not wish to be listed, please send
an e-mail
to and your name will be
Or if you wish to be
added, also send a message
to the address listed above with the name you wish listed.
Please include award level title and any emeritus title.
To go to the Calontir College of Heralds Information Page, click here.
To check on the status of Calontir heraldic submissions, click here.
For instructions on filling out heraldic submission forms, click here.
This Heraldic
Officer Listing page is published by Ron Knight
[known in the SCA as Baron Modar Neznanich]
for the edification of the members of the Kingdom of
Calontir and the members of the SCA.
It is not a corporate
publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and
does not
delineate S.C.A. policies. In cases of conflict with
printed versions of material presented on these
pages or it's
links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed
version unless otherwise indicated.
©1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Baron Modar Neznanich (Ron Knight), Volk Herald