Heraldic Submissions Forms,
Instruction for Filling Forms Out

General Submission Information

Calontir Heraldic Submission Forms  (click to go to blank form to print off)
  Name Form: Individuals & Households
Name Form: Groups
Device Form (Individual & Groups)
Badge Form (Individual & Groups)
Instructions on filling out Individual Name Form
Instructions on filling out Group Name Form 

Instructions on filling out Device Form
Instructions on filling out Badge Form
Petitions for Group Heraldic Submissions  (click to go to blank form to print off)
  Petition for Registration of Group Name (MS Word Format)
 - 2 originals and 1 copy must be sent to the Kingdom Office

Petition for Registration of Group Device (MS Word Format)
 - 2 originals and 1 copy must be sent to the Kingdom Office

Petition for Registration of Group Badge  (MS Word Format)
 - 2 originals and 1 copy must be sent to the Kingdom Office
Petition for Registration of Guild Badge  
(MS Word Format)
 - 2 originals and 1 copy must be sent to the Kingdom Office
Consultation Forms  (click to go to blank form to print off)
  Device Design Doodle Sheet  (Two-sided sheet: Set of 9 small shields/page to work up designs, plus info needed for forms.)
Creating a Heraldic Device
Answers to Frequently Asked Heraldic Submission Questions
  Where to send Heraldic Submissions
Fees for Heraldic Submissions
Calontir Funds Transfer Form (Use this form when requesting your local Exchequer to write a check for your submissions packets.)
Number of Forms for Heraldic Submissions

How Long Does The Heraldic Submission Process Take?
Documentation Requirements for Heraldic Submissions  
  From Pelican:  Documentation in Letters of Intent
From Pelican:  On Summarizing Name Documentation
From Pelican:  What information makes a good bibliographical citation?
Sample Summary of an Academy of Saint Gabriel Report

General Information

 A heraldic submission consists of a number of forms and, in most cases, a fee.


Almost all submissions require a fee.  The exception is a resubmission made within one year of the date on the return letter;
these do not require a fee.  Beginning November 1, 2007 the current cost is $9 per element submitted.

Each of these submissions is a separate element that requires a fee:  

Name  – New    Name  – Change 
Device  – New Device  – Change
Badge – New   Badge  – Change
Alternate Name  – New  Alternate Name  – Change
Group Name  – New Group Name – Change
Group Device – New Group Device – Change
Group Badge  – New Group Badge – Change
Group Order Name  – New .......... Group Order Name  – Change

Each of these submissions is a separate element that does NOT require a fee*: 

Name  – Resubmission  Group Name  – Resubmission 
Device  – Resubmission Group Device  – Resubmission
Badge – Resubmission Group Badge – Resubmission
Alternate Name  – Resubmission .......... Group Order Name  – Resubmission

* = If made within one year of the date of notification of return.

If going through a local group, the group may keep $2 per element and forward $7 per element to Saker.
If submitting directly to the Kingdom Saker Herald Office, all of the $9 per element is sent.
he Kingdom Office gets to keep the $2 normally taken by the local office.).

Checks sent to the Kingdom Office should be made out to:  SCA Inc., Kingdom of Calontir - Heralds

Number of Forms (to send to Kingdom Submissions Herald)

Name Submission: 
    1 copy of name form.
    1 copy of all documentation for name elements

Device Submission:
2 colored copies of device form 
    1 non-colored (line drawing only) copy of device form
    1 copy of all documentation for device elements that are not standard charges

Badge Submission:
2 colored copies of badge form 
    1 non-colored (line drawing only) copy of badge form
    1 copy of all documentation for badge elements that are not standard charges

Where to Send Submissions

Submissions (with the appropriate fees) are normally submitted through your local group herald.
However, submissions can also be submitted directly to the Kingdom Saker Herald Office.
Click here for the
Saker Herald Contact Info

Name Documentation

All submitted name elements must have some kind of documentation, even if they are very common names. If the name can be found in one of the books considered "standard references" by the SCA College of Arms for which no photocopies are necessary, then all you have to do is cite on the name form the header spellings, page numbers, and pertinent information (including all spellings and dates) of the submitted name elements. A listing of sources that do not need photocopies can be found at:  http://heraldry.sca.org/admin.html#APPENDIXH

If a name element is found in a source other than these “standard references”, documentation must be provided in the form of photocopies of the book’s title page and the publication information page. (That's usually on the back of the title page.  It has the publisher, edition, date, ISBN, etc.)  Also make copies of the pages that show the name element you are documenting. Underlining pertinent passages (or marking them in the margins) is encouraged. Highlighting is also recommended but remember to highlight after the photocopies are made.

If the source for the name documentation is from one of the acceptable websites (such as the Academy of Saint Gabriel), you need to provide copies from the site with URLs. You do not have to copy the entire site, merely the first page and any pertinent pages with the info you are referring to highlighted. 

If an element from a submitter’s modern name in being used in their SCA name, it must be in the same 'place' in the names.  For example, if a submitter is legally named 'John Richards', they can use their modern name to document 'Stephan Richards', but not 'Richard Smith'.  If an element from a submitter’s modern name is being used, photocopies of their birth certificate or driver's license must be include with the submission. (Please remember to black out important numbers on personal identification, such as drivers' license number or SSN. That part is not needed.)

Please send 1 copy of all name documentation to the Kingdom Office with the submission.

Device/Badge Documentation

This is rarely needed…but if a device or badge is utilizing a charge/object that has not been registered before, it may be necessary to document that the charge/object was known during the Middle Ages. If this is the case, photocopies from the sources must be submitted including any book’s title page, publication information page and pages picturing and talking about the charge/object.

Please send 1 copy of all device/charge documentation to the Kingdom Office with the submission.

What happens to a submission once it is sent in?

A submission goes through two levels of processing: Kingdom Level and Society (Laurel) Level.

Information concerning the submission process can be found on-line at:

Information on the status of submissions sent to the Kingdom Herald’s Office can be found at:

Saker Herald Contact Info

Heraldry Submission Status Page

Modar's Heraldry Page

©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013  Ron Knight
Baron Modar Neznanich, OPel, Volk Herald

Permission to Print.

To SCA Interests Page



