Protégés, Fealty and Ceremonies
by Master Modar Neznanich, OP
One of the responsibilities of a member of the Order of the Pelican is to teach others how to provide service within the SCA.
This can be done is several ways, including leading by example, teaching classes at events and meetings or by discussion with
individuals. Many times, though, this teaching is done through a one-on-one basis. This involves the Pelican taking specific 
individuals to specially mentor. These associates, when formally connected to a Pelican, are known as protégés.  
When a formal association is begun, the protégé will give a ceremonial oath of allegiance to the Pelican from whom they will 
be learning. This oath-vow is a swearing of fealty. Swearing fealty is the act of making a solemn promise and assertion by 
which the people involved bind themselves to an act, to a service, or to a condition. In the case of a Pelican and a protégé, 
the protégé is binding their self to follow the instructions of their Pelican, to assist the Pelican as needed and to learn.  Likewise 
the Pelican is binding their self to protégé with a pledge to teach and protect the protégé.  
The level of fealty that is set in the oath-binding depends on the individuals involved. Different gentles have different perspectives 
and different levels of comfort with which they can unite themselves in such a relationship. Because of these differences, Pelicans 
and prospective protégés should carefully and thoroughly discuss the proposed relationship, the obligations being committed to 
and manner in which they will be handled. 
Definitions of fealty will differ from person to person based on their own perspectives and life experiences. For myself, the following 
categories reflect my perceptions of fealty:
  Service Fealty  - This is a pledge of service to an individual or position with no personal obligations attached.
When someone swears Service Fealty, they are simply promising to do a job the best that
they can. They are taking an "Oath of Office".
  Simple Fealty - This is a pledge of loyalty to an individual. This tends to have some personal obligations attached,
which can range from things like an oath of obedience to specified services rendered (on behalf of
both parties). The parameters of the fealty are within set limits, pre-determined by the parties involved.
  Liege Fealty  - This is a pledge of absolute1 service, obedience2, loyalty3 and fidelity to an individual or entity
(such as the Crown, Liege-Lord, etc). The scope of the fealty tends to be all-encompassing
rather than to specified limits.


Besides the type or level of fealty to be given between a Pelican and their protégé, other aspects have to be established in the relationship.
Most specifically what will be required of the protégé and what the protégé can expect to get in return from the Pelican. Again, this can
vary greatly depending upon the individuals involved.  Following is an example of what I have compiled for those gentles with whom I
have discussed the Pelican/Protégé relationship with. Because my Peerage was granted for service and devotion to heraldry, I have
added a heraldic aspect to my listing. Other more specific aspects can be created by folks wishing to do so.

 What is required of a protégé:

    1.    Formal comportment in situations that require it.
    2.    Faithfulness and truthfulness; loyalty and devotion to studies.
    3.    The promise the protégé to put effort into what they are working on.
4.    Awareness from the protégé that the protégé’s actions also reflect on the Pelican.
    5.    To work on projects agreed upon.
    6.    To assist by doing errands when needed.
    7.    To share knowledge gained with fellow students/protégés.

 What a protégé gets in return:

    1.    The prestige of being a protégé. 
    2.    The rights and privileges of a protégé, to include:
            A.    Teachings in heraldry (if desired)
            B.    Teachings in service, comportment and courtly graces.
            C.    Direction and assistance in developing and utilizing their talents and skills.
            D.    The promise of the Pelican to treat the protégé fairly and loyally.
            E.    The promise of the Pelican to defend the protégé’s rights and privileges.
            F.    The promise of the Pelican to see that the protégé is treated fairly/chivalrously by others.
            G.    The right (and obligation) to advise the Pelican of the protégé’s opinions and needs.
    3.    Awareness from the Pelican that the Pelican’s actions also reflect on the protégé.


There is no set method or rite for taking a protégé or other associate. It can be a simple exchange of a few words or a more 
elaborate series of pledges or any type of observance the gentles involved want to make. The relevant aspect is that the 
ceremony of swearing a fealty-oath allows for an outward and visible sign of the affirmation of allegiance being given. This 
provides more than a demonstration to outsiders; it confirms to the mind of the participants the depth of the commitment 
being made. 
Following are a few samples of basic styles of ceremonies. These can be used as is, or tailored to fit the individuals involved.
Sample Ceremony #1

The following is a moderately standard ceremony. The premise is based off protégé and apprentice ceremonies done 
throughout the various SCA kingdoms. The text, modified to fit my own kingdom, is modeled off that which was utilized 
in a protégé ceremony done by Mistress Selene Colfox, which was itself, refined from a previous apprentice ceremony 
of another Peer. The advantage of taking a previously scripted practice and modifying it for one’s individual use is that it 
gives a general formula that binds the Peers and protégés of the various kingdoms into a cadre that understands the ties 
such an undertaking creates. And by modifying the details, it allows for individual circumstances and personal styles to 
still come into play.
<Crowd of witnesses is gathered with the Pelican and the protégé standing before them.>
Pelican:	As a Peer of Calontir and of the Society, it is my joy and my duty to pass along my knowledge and skills, 
	and to foster and encourage those with talent. To this end, I would take [protégé's name] as my liege-person, 
	to encourage their skills in the arts, sciences and crafts of the SCA and in service to the people of Calontir 
	and of the Known World. Do you, [protégé’s name], wish to take on the responsibilities as well as the rights 
	that come with this bond?
Protégé:	I do.
Pelican:	Then, [protégé’s name], before these witnesses swear your oath.  
Protégé:	<Protégé kneels> I, [protégé’s name], in the presence of these witnesses, swear that with this oath I become 
	liege-person to you, [Pelican’s name]. I hereby swear myself to your service, saving only those responsibilities 
	which I bear to my [consort/children/family] and to my [Shire/Barony/etc].  As your sworn person I promise 
	to study and faithfully apply myself to the development of my skills in the arts & sciences, in service, and in all 
	the courtly arts. I further pledge to defend you and your manors and household in peace and in war, and through 
	you the Crown of Calontir. As token of this service I will come to you at Twelfth Night and at May Day with a 
	report of my activities and the products of my labors.
Pelican:	In return I, [Pelican’s name], [Master/Mistress] of the Pelican, out of friendship, fidelity, and fealty as come to 
	me from the Crown of Calontir, swear before these witnesses to teach and encourage you, to listen and to learn 
	from you, and to support you in your quest for knowledge. I further swear to protect and to foster you as my 
	liege-person, aid you in your time of need, and pursue justice in your causes to the highest levels. I pledge to 
	reward your fealty with love, loyalty with honor, and oath-breaking with vengeance. In return for your service 
	I will owe to you the hospitality of my table at any time that you might call upon it, and two shillings a year, 
	payable at Twelfth Night and at May Day. This contract shall bind us both until one of us or the other begs leave 
	to be excused from the bond, or your own Elevation. [Time of the relationship can also be designated for a specific 
	span of time, such as “A Year and a Day”, etc.]
Pelican:	You who are our witnesses, do you affirm this bond that we have made?
Witnesses: We do.
Pelican:	Wear then this visible sign of our bond, that all may know you my liege-person. 
	<Pelican hands protégé their yellow belt.>
< Pelican thanks witnesses who then disperse.>
Sample Ceremony #2

The following is a humorous and very simple ceremony. Based directly off a ritual devised by Master Tibor of Rock Valley, 
for taking on minions, it is presented to illustrate that while the ritual of taking on a associate (protégé, apprentice, squire, 
cadet, etc) is a serious act…it can be done in a fun-loving manner. While short, it does cover the basic tenants of a 
Peer-Associate relationship. 
<Crowd of witnesses is gathered with the Pelican and the protégé standing before them.>
Pelican:	Will you do what I tell you, when I tell you, whatever I tell you?
Protégé:	Yes.
Pelican:	Fool.
Protégé:	Yes.
Pelican:	Come along, then.  Work to be done.
<Pelican and protégé walk off together.>
Sample Ceremony #3

This is fairly straight-forward but a somewhat more elaborate ceremony based on elements from various SCA ceremonies 
and period fealty oaths. It is similar in many ways to the first sample ceremony, but is what I have worked out as a basic 
groundwork of the proceedings I would exchange with those I would take as a protégé. Discussion of specific details and 
wording can be done with each protégé, so that each is tailored to their comfort level, while still maintaining the symbology 
of the ceremony.
Various accoutrement and individuals are present to assist. These include banners to represent both the Pelican and the 
protégé, with gentles to hold them; a pillow for kneeling and a herald to act as book-holder and prompter. 
(Note:  There is nothing invalid about not memorizing the script for such ceremonies.  Both within the SCA and historically 
speaking, the use of a herald or book-holder to either prompt the participants of a ceremony or to use a libretto to read 
from is quite common.)
<Crowd of witnesses is gathered with the Pelican and the protégé standing before them.>
Herald:	Pray attend to the ceremony that is beginning.
Pelican:	To all of you gathered to witness these proceedings, here do I [Name of Pelican] stand to take as protégé, 
	one [Name of protégé]. The ceremony we do this day is based on period oath-taking practices and SCA 
	customs.  <Pelican turns to protégé>   Is it still your wish to do this?
Protégé:	It is.

Pelican:    Then kneel and give me your hands.

 <Herald places pillow before the Pelican.>

 <Protégé kneels upon pillow and folds hands, as if in prayer, and holds them up to the Pelican.>

 <Pelican places their hands over the protégé’s hands.>

 <Herald holds text of oaths so that both parties can see it.>

 Pelican:    As a Peer of the Realm, it is my duty, privilege and honor to pass along my knowledge and skills; to foster
                and encourage those gentles who seek enlightenment, by taking them in the role of a protégé. Is it your wish
                to take on the responsibilities as well as the rights that come with this bond?

Protégé:	It is.
Pelican: 	Then before these witnesses swear your oath.  

Protégé:    Here do I give my oath that I am your liege-person. I hereby fully give myself to your service, saving only
                those responsibilities which I bear to my [consort/children/family/etc] and to my [Shire/Barony/etc].  I promise
                to study and faithfully apply myself to the development of my skills in the arts & sciences, in service, and in the
                courtly graces. I further pledge to defend you and your household, and through you, the Crown of Calontir -
                both in times of peace and in war. As token of this pledge, I give unto you all my lands and property to dispose
                of as you will.  Thus swear I, [protégé’s name].

Pelican:    Here do I as [Master/Mistress] of the Pelican give my oath to teach you, encourage you, listen to you, learn
                from you and support you in your quest for knowledge. I further pledge to protect and to foster you as my
                liege-person, aid you in your time of need, and pursue justice in your causes to the highest levels. I pledge to
                reward your fealty with love, loyalty with honor, and should it ever happen, oath-breaking with vengeance
                tempered with the mercy due from a Noble. In token of your pledge of service I grant unto you the hospitality
                of my house at any time that you might call upon it. Furthermore, I return to you all your lands and property
                so that they may be used to your benefit in your pursuit to carry out the duties and obligations you have sworn
                to. Thus swear I, [Pelican’s name].

<Protégé stands>

<Pelican and protégé exchange sign of fidelity (kiss or hand-clasp and hug)>

<Pelican turns to witnesses>

Pelican:	You who are our witnesses, do you affirm this bond that we have made?
Witnesses: We do.
<Pelican turns to protégé>
Pelican:	These oaths shall bind us both until one or the other of us begs leave to be excused from the bond, or your 
	own Elevation.  So that all may know you my protégé, take this to wear as a visible sign of our bond. 
<Pelican either hands the protégé their yellow belt, or places it about the protégé.>
<Pelican and protégé exchange hugs>
< Pelican thanks witnesses who then disperse.>


1Absolute as in "pure" or "unmitigated" and unrestricted from other constraint. Or as found in Webster's Dictionary, "4: having no restriction, exception or qualification." In other words swearing to give service from one's own desire not because of requirements. (Simple fealty sets limits and parameters to be met... it's the closest to a contract. Liege fealty creates a relationship with fewer pre-set limitations but it creates a closer bond amongst those who share it.)

2With the aforementioned definition of absolute, you can see that absolute (unrestricted) obedience is different from blind obedience. Blind obedience requires that you do what I say without question. Absolute obedience means you have the right to be free-thinking (no constraints on you)...thus not only do you have the right but also the responsibility to advise and also to question "bad" orders.

3Loyalty is the combination of fidelity, allegiance and devotion in the framework of one's association to the point that you are resolved against any temptation to repudiate or desert the association (without just cause) and resolute against temptation to betray the association. To further clarify and elucidate, the definitions I am utilizing for these terms are: 

  Fidelity   - being faithful (steadfast in belief) to what one pledges to
  Allegiance   - willingness to be recognize as being associated to someone/something
  Devotion   - being committed in action to that which one pledges oneself


© 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014  Ron Knight
Baron Modar Neznanich, Volk Herald
Order of the Pelican

Permission to Print

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