Tournament & Pas d'Armes  

This is an ongoing site with articles & links on tournaments
as they apply to the Middle Ages and the SCA.

SCA Tournament Companies:
< click on their name to go to their site >
Company of the Grail
Companions of the Silver Swan
Grand Company of the Peacock
Company of Saint George
Statuta Armorum
Tournament Companies Within the SCA
(informational article)

SCA Equestrian Tournament Companies:
< click on their name to go to their site >
Emprise of the Azure Rose
Black Lion Emprise
Company of St. Anne

SCA Equestrian Links

Non-SCA Equestrian Tournament Companies:
< click on their name to go to their site >
The American Jousting Alliance

Links to Articles on Tournaments:
What is the Pas d'Armes?
by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
King René's Tournament Book
A modern English translation by Elizabeth Bennett
The Behourdium Tradition:
Historical precedents for SCA Combat
by Michael deLacy
A New Way to Get Maimed
by Galleron de Cressy
What is a Tournament Company?
by Galleron de Cressy
How a Man Shall Prepare Himself for the Tournament
by Galleron de Cressy
Medieval Tournament Prizes
by Galleron de Cressy
Improved rules for an SCA Twelfth-Century Tournament
by Finnvarr de Taahe
To Cry a Joust
translated from the Middle English by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Challenge of John Astley, Squire, to Philip Boyle, Knight of Aragon
on the occasion of his knighting, 1442

translated from the Middle English by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Pierre de Masse's challenge, 1438
translated from the Middle English by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Letter from Thomas, Duke of Lancaster and Constable of England
to King Richard II concerning the manner of Conducting Judicial Duels
Early Combat Manuals
by Galleron de Cressy
§ Atlantian Links to Tournaments & Pas d'Armes
Making Medieval Crests for Tournament Helmets
by Randy Asplund
Links to Articles on Chivalry, Honour, Courtliness,
Romance and Humility:
A Code of Chivalry
by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Of the Vertues that Apperteyne to Chyvalry
by Garick von Kopke
The Dialog of Chivalry
by Finnvarr de Taahe
by Sten Halverson
Isn't Chivalry Dead?!
by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
On Humility
by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
On Romance
by Sten Halverson
On Knighthood
by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Who is a Knight?
by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Errants & Renown
Information about what it means to be a part of the Company of Saint George
What is a Grail?
by Dr. Linda Malcor
A Reading List on Chivalry For Re-Enactors
by Brion Thornbird ap Rhys
Other Links:
Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments Resource Library
The Art of Courtliness

If you are not familiar with the SCA but would like
to know more, check out the following links:

SCA   -   General Intro to the Society for Creative Anachronism
Heraldry   -   Web page with articles and information on SCA Heraldry 
Forgotten Sea    -   Website of one of three SCA groups I'm currently active in.
Aston Tor   -   Website of one of three SCA groups I'm currently active in.
Cum an Iolair    -   Website of one of three SCA groups I'm currently active in.
Terminology   -   Definitions of some common SCA terms

Missing in Action:  These webpages are no longer at their original site.
                                     If you have info on where they may now be located,
                                     please email me at:
Company of Saint Gabriel   Company of the White Swan
Company of Saint Boniface   Compagnie du Soleil
Company of Saint Michael   Company Coeur de Flamme
Company of Saint Maurice    

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©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Ron "Modar" Knight
Baron Modar Neznanich, OPel


This Tournament Information page is published by Ron Knight [known in the SCA as
Modar Neznanich] for the edification of the members of the Barony of Forgotten Sea,
its cantons, the Shire of Cúm an Iolair and the members of the SCA. It is not a corporate
publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and does not delineate
S.C.A. policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented
on these pages or it's links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed
version unless otherwise indicated. Opinions expressed are those of the authors.