In a mortar, partially crush 5 peppercorns, 3 to 4 grains of allspice, 4 to 5 whole cloves and 1 to 2 roken-up bay leaves. In a pot, combine 1/3 cup Balsamic vinegar (or any vinegar with at least 6% acidity; although I prefer Balsamic for the rich flavor and color), 2/3 cup water, the aforementioned spices, 1 T. sugar and 2 t. salt. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer under cover for 15 minutes. Let stand covered until cooled to room temperature, then pour over 8 oz. rinsed and drained canned button mushrooms that have been placed in a jar. Seal and refreigerate. Prepare at least 3 hours prior to serving.

These get even better if they can be allowed to marinade for several days. Once the mushrooms are removed/served, any marinade juice can be re-used.

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